Bringing wellness to the workplace


Pro Tips

Changing Corporate Attitudes


As the Corona Virus takes us into unprecedented territory, a key question business leaders should examine is “how will this impact the culture of our organization”. Any organization with a record of achievement could probably identify key cornerstones that describe “the way we do things around here”. With social distancing and quarantining in-home, the paradigm has changed. Site based cultural maintenance is transitioning. A platform based form of cultural communication is on the rise.

While most of expect to return to some normality in the future, there is no guarantee that the business landscape will ever be quite the same. Adjustments are imminent. But just how can those adjustments affect, reflect and maintain excellence in company culture? Can a lack of close social interaction, a prime venue in communicating and exchanging ideas and information in the past, be compensated by other methods of cultural infusion? Can the key aspects that define a culture be sustained when employees are not centralized but scattered remotely?

A re-examination of some of the key aspects that define company culture may have to be rethought. A few of these critical touchpoints that are subject to changing workplace logistics include:

  • Communicating company values to employees: while the values of the organization itself may not change, how those values are infused among company employees very well might. Values are internalized not by reading a handbook, but by observation and interaction on a daily basis within the workspace. Leaders are seen, heard and observed. This will obviously require adjustment if remote workspaces continue.

  • Maintaining A cohesive identity and mission: after such traumatic upheaval, especially if significant downsizing or position rearrangement is necessary to resume operations, employees may feel displaced even when they are effectively “back on the job”. Tools to restore confidence and a renewed sense of purpose will be critical.

  • Sustaining company values with end users: changing logistics can result in changing service to customers. End users need to be reassured that their expectations are going to be met on an ongoing basis.

  • Creating a vision for the future: If the environment has changed significantly, it will be critical to redefine a company vision for the future. Communicating that vision and developing the proper buy-in from employees is crucial.

If face to face interactions remain limited, the right platform to assist in propagating and maintaining culture can be a beneficial tool under such circumstances. The Zemi platform is precisely the type of tool that can help sustain and guide an organization through such upheavals. Proper communication is of utmost importance in guiding business through uncertainty. It is also critical to reassure employees that values and mission of the organization will continue forward despite any changes that may be necessary. Zemi uses wellness as far more than a lifestyle benefit, it is a cultural enhancer.

Being able to both answer and communicate culture strengths will go a long way to restoring both confidence and profitability. In such extraordinary times as we now face, it is the softer answers that will provide guidance beyond hard numbers.

David Rogers