Bringing wellness to the workplace


Pro Tips

Headaches and Migraines.... don't live with the pain!

We wish it were not so, but most likely, you know what it is like to have a pulsating pain in your temples or a tightness that radiates around your head. Headaches range from being a slight annoyance to complete debilitation, including vision loss, distortion, sensitivity, and vertigo.

Whether it be a headache or a migraine, you can be aware of possible triggers and take measures to prevent those nasty things.

Trigger: Certain foods and when you eat

What can you do? Eat regularly and include fiber and protein in each meal. The more volatile your blood sugar is, the more likely you are to suffer headaches. For a stable blood sugar, eat whole foods as described with limited sugar. Other foods that may induce headaches include aged cheeses and salty or processed foods.

Trigger: Food additives

What can you do? Stay away from ingredients you cannot read or pronounce. Real food with whole ingredients is less likely to cause a negative reaction. Food additives known to cause migraines include aspartame and monosodium glutamate (MSG).

Trigger: Poor posture or misalignment

What can you do? Avoid sitting or standing in one position for a long time. Sit and stand up straight so that your ears, shoulders, hips, and toes (if standing) form a straight line. If your muscles are imbalanced it will cause strain on your spine which will likely radiate up your neck and head. Equally stretching and strengthening left and right sides of the body and implementing good ergonomics will prevent such strain.

Trigger: Improper lifting

What can you do? Focus on form and technique when weight-lifting or carrying heavy objects for a long time (a baby, for example). Hunching the shoulders is a common cause of tension headaches that can be avoided by rounding the shoulders down and back, away from the ears, while contracting the abdominal and core muscles.

Depression and anxiety

What can you do? Love yourself by practicing mindfulness, stress management, and positive talk. Seek help when needed and reach out to your network of people who support you.

Trigger: Hormonal changes, including fluctuations in estrogen

What can you do? Be cautious of oral contraceptives and other medications; sometimes hormonal medications can worsen migraines.

Trigger: Certain drinks, including alcohol and caffeine

What can you do? Drink in moderation and be mindful that wine seems to especially aggravate headaches. Too much caffeine has the same effect. Some people drink caffeine to dull headache pain; this works temporarily, but chronic caffeine use causes a constant increased tolerance and need for more, which ultimately leads to more headaches.

Trigger: Stress

What can you do? Implement stress-reducing behaviors, such as deep breathing, meditation, work-life balance, regular breaks, and doing things you enjoy.

Trigger: Sensory stimulation

What can you do? Avoid bright flashing lights, loud sounds, and strong smells

Trigger: Sleep deprivation

What can you do? Get enough sleep! Regular, ample sleep patters will also reduce stress.

Implementing the suggested habits above will do more than prevent a headache, but that is our goal!

There is a lot that science has yet to discover about migraines and headaches. For now, we hope these tips help keep the edge off without needing medication.