Bringing wellness to the workplace


Pro Tips

Results are in! And the winner of the Wellness Warrior Fitness Challenge is....

Congratulations to Nea Khong from Whipple Service Champions! Zemi Wellness recognizes Nea as our Wellness Warrior challenge champion. Nea has shown incredible dedication and consistency to her wellness and participation in her company's wellness program. Her hard work with her coach and through this fitness program produced amazing results. In just 6 weeks, Nea reduced her body fat percentage by almost 4%, improving her hip to waist ratio by 10%. Her shoulder flexibility increased by inches while her pushups, plank time, and wall sit more than doubled. Overall, Nea's fitness scores improved by a total of 705%! Way to go Nea! Thank you for being an inspiration and demonstrating what is possible with a little work and Zemi on your side.

Nea was rewarded with a $150 cash prize towards Nike shoes and apparel.

We commend all participants and delight in the success. Overall, participants improved by an anstouding average of 492% in just 6 weeks! Every participant reported improvement in every measured fitness component, including flexibility, body composition, muscular strength, and muscular endurance. Body fat decreased by an average of almost 2%. Meanwhile, any high or moderate heart disease risk was reduced to low. Flexibility increased on average by 3 inches in measured areas. Endurance was increased by an average of 1 minute and strength doubled!

It is amazing what 6 weeks of dedication and guidance with Zemi can bring! The end of this challenge is just the beginning to continued healthy habits and overall wellness. We look forward to more Wellness Warriors the next go!