Bringing wellness to the workplace


Pro Tips

Hobbies for Habits

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When we were young a significant portion of our non-school time was dominated by play. Children’s games such as hide and seek, kick the can, or other casual pick-up sports games were common. But we also developed hobbies. Making model airplanes was my favorite hobby. By age ten or eleven I had quite a collection. Hobbies are a way to unwind that contributes to our sense of accomplishment and wellbeing. They are a great way to change our pace.

As we take on all of the responsibilities of adulthood, we tend to have our leisure time pushed aside against what we would consider more weighty responsibilities. But it is still important to unwind. Time in front of the television or aimlessly browsing on the computer is not always healthy time. A good way to unwind is to nurture a good hobby.

When I was first married, my wife took notice that I did not have any significant hobbies. I had just obtained a master’s degree and was spending most of my free time learning a new profession. She was a great seamstress and enjoyed making clothes for herself, her friends, and our children. She encouraged me to find a good hobby that could productively occupy my free time. I explored a number of alternatives. I chose crossword puzzles, motorcycling, and writing as my hobbies. Over time, these hobbies have delivered some of the happiest memories of my lifetime.

I remember having our younger primary-aged children helping with crossword puzzles. They found the wordplay fascinating. As he grew older, my son picked up the interest of riding and as an adult, he and I have taken several memorable motorcycle trips together. Writing has become both a hobby and a passion as I have written four books and over five hundred articles.

Hobbies are a healthy way to both find a unique type of relaxation, build a sense of accomplishment without the pressures of responsibility and create happy memories. If you do not have a hobby you may seek refuge and relaxation with, consider picking one up. It is a fun and happy way to better wellness!

- David Rogers, Executive Vice President of Zemi Wellness

Healthy relaxation, a sense of accomplishment, and happy memories are a recipe for wellness.

We encourage you to cultivate your hobbies and pay heed to new interests to better your overall health. We know how difficult it can be difficult to completely start a new habit or give up a regular practice. Possibly the best solution is to make small swaps for habits already in place. Start by reading 8 impactful swaps you can make to improve your health and choose one thing to swap this week.

Garr Judd