Bringing wellness to the workplace


Pro Tips

Be the one in control. Conquer addiction.

We all have addictions to some degree. When participation in any behavior interferes with normal living, it can be considered an addiction. Forms of addiction include sugar, gaming, gambling, pornography, and sex, drugs, and alcohol. More suprising examples include caffeine, phone use, shopping, body image alteration, tanning, exercise, and social media.

No one wants to willfully give up their life, control, or agency over to someone--- or something--- else, but that is exactly what addiction causes a person to do. Thakfully, Zemi is here to help you keep your life, control, and agency in your own hands--- or get it back. Do not sacrifice your health, time, relationships, or success to any chemical or behavior. Addiction is treatable and preventable.

In light of April being Alcohol Awareness month, Zemi is tackling the topic of alcoholism, drugs, and addiction of any kind. Read Zemi’s tips to conquer your addiction of any kind, no matter the magnitude. And do not underestimate the power of a personal wellness coach.

Garr Judd