Increase Strength and Muscle
EMAIL with questions
SL=Single Leg, SA=Single Arm, DB=Dumbell, Alt=Alternating, **=Option/Substitute
WARM UP/COOL DOWN: 15-20 Min Cardio (jogging, walking, biking, rowing)
X4-5 or___, 10-12 or___
Heavy Squats (on Smith Machine or w/ BB)
Heavy Reverse Lunge to Knee Drive (on Smith Machine or w/ BB)
Other Leg
2-4 min rest…
X2-3 or___, 8-10 or___
Seated Quad Extension Machine- TOES POINTED OUT
Seated Quad Extension Machine- TOES UP
Seated Quad Extension Machine- TOES POINTED IN
2 min rest…
X2-3 or___, 8-10 or___
Seated Hamstring Curl Machine- TOES POINTED OUT
Seated Hamstring Curl Machine- TOES UP
Seated Hamstring Curl Machine- TOES POINTED IN
2 min rest…
X3-4 or___, 10-12 or___ each side
Weighted Curtsy Lunge (w/ DB or BB)
Other Leg
Curtsy Lunge, Knee Drive Hop (no weight)
Other Leg
X3-4 or___
10 or___Alt DB Bicep Curls
10-12 or___SA Bent Over Back Row (Knee on Bench)
X4-5 or___
10-12 or___Wide Grip Cable Lat Pulldown
10-12 or___Narrow Underhand Grip Cable Pulldown
:30 or___ Toe Taps on Bench Seat
X4-5 or___
10 or___Seated Neutral Grip Cable Row (Palms facing toward each other)
10 or___SA Seated Cable Row
10 or___ Cable Bicep Curl (keep elbows out in front, only the elbow joint moving)
:30 or___ Toe Taps on Bench Seat
X3-4 or___, 8-10 or___
Isolated DB Bicep Curl (Seated with elbow against the inside of the knee at an angle) **use a finger or two from the other hand to help get the weight up if needed
Other Arm
X3-4 or___, :30 or___
Forward DB Raise to Lateral DB Raise
Monkey Claps
Alt Lateral Raise
DB Shoulder Press
X3-4 or___, 10-12 or___
Seated Heavy DB Shoulder Press
Alt Seated DB Shoulder Press
X3-4 or___, :30 or___
DB Lateral Mini Arm Circles
Around the World Raises, Palms Forward
DB Forward Steering Wheel Twists
X4 or___
DB Walking Lunges (50m or 15-20 to each leg) **1½ walking lunges
Squatted Side Steps, Banded at the Knees (25m each way or 15-20 steps each direction)
50-100m Sprint, 50-100m Jog back **no sprint, jog 200m **:30 High Knees
X4-5 or___
15 or___ KB/DB Sumo Squats
15 or___ KB/DB Deadlift
15 or___ Box Jumps
X3-4 or___
:60 or___ SL Deadlift **weight or no weight
Other Leg
:30 or___ 180 Jump Squats
X4 or___, :30 or___
Wall Sit Abductions, Banded at the Knees
Jump Lunge Lunge Squat **no jump, but still quick
X2-3 or___
20 or___ Push Ups **on knees
10 or___ Tricep Push Ups (elbow tucked in to sides) **on knees
15-20 or___ Side V ups
Other Side
X4-5 or___
10 or___Heavy DB/BB Chest Press
10 or___DB/BB Skull Crusher
:30 or___Low Tricep Dip Hold
X4-5 or___
10-12 or___DB Chest Fly
10-12 or___Low Center Grip Chest Press
30 or___Bicycles