Bringing wellness to the workplace

Sample Workouts

Movement That Gets Results

Strength and Weight Loss

EMAIL with questions

Equipment Required: Dumbbell/Weights, Bench/Chair 

SL=Single Leg, SA=Single Arm, DB=Dumbell, Alt=Alternating, **=Option/Substitute 

WARM UP/COOL DOWN: 15-20 Min Cardio (jogging, walking, biking, rowing)


 X3 or___

10 or ___ Push Ups **On Knees

30 or ___ Bicycles 

:30 or ___ each,  X4-5 or___ 

DB Lateral Raises (**Alt or Together)

DB Shoulder Press (**Alt or Together)

Squatted DB Forward Cross Punches

Plank (**on elbows)

12 or___, X4 or ___ 

Alt Reverse Lunge w/ Bicep Curl at the bottom

BD Chest Fly (on back)


10 or___ Standing Bicep DB Curls, together 

10 or___ Alt Bicep DB Curls

Curls together until fail 

Alt Curls until fail

Cool Down and STRETCH :) 


:30 or___, X2-3 or___

Weighted DB Squats

High Knees (no weight)

:30 or___, X2-3 or___

Weighted SL Step Ups, 

Other Leg

Up and Over Bench Hops **Alt Step Ups with No Weight

Feet Weaves (**between legs of a chair or DBs propped up)

:30 or___, X2-3 or ___

Flutter Kicks

Cross Toe Taps(supine w/ legs raised vertically) **Cross Crunches

Jump Squats **no jump

X2-3 or___

10 or__ Leg Raise to Leg Curl

20 or__ Mt Climbers 

Cool Down and STRETCH :) 


X3 or___ 

5 or___ Inch Worm Push Ups **no push up

15 or___DB Squat, Curl, Press 

X2-3 or___

15 or___Tricep Dips **inch your feet in as needed

15 or___Incline Push Ups (hands on bench)

20 or___Pit Pockets **w/ weight

20 or___Penguin Heel Taps

X2-3 or___

10 or___DB Lateral to Front Raises 

10 or___Alt DB Lateral Raises (10 each arm)

10 or___Burpees **with or w/out Push Up

X2-3 or___

8 or___SA Bicep Curl with Opposite Isohold (Opposite Arm Held Flexed at 90 Degrees)

Switch Sides

Cool Down and STRETCH :) 


:30 or___ X2-3 or___ 

Weighted Lunge Lunge Squat

Lateral Hops 

X2-3 or___ 

10-12 or___Bulgarian Split Squat

Other Leg

20 or___ Alt Jump Lunges **Alt Reverse Lunges

:30 or___, X2-3 or___

SL Deadlift

Other Leg

Lateral Hops 

:30 or___ X2-3 or___

Weighted Sumo Squats

Booty Fly

Lateral Hops 

Cool Down and STRETCH :) 


15 or___Side V Ups,

Other Side

Between Sets of V-Ups, Do Push Ups in reps 20,15,10,5

(EX: 15 V Ups, 20 Push Ups, 15 V Ups, 15 Push Ups, 15 V Ups, 10 Push Ups…)

X3-4 or___

15 or___SA DB Bent Over Back Row (knee on bench)

Other Side

15 or___Bent Over Reverse Fly(or rear delt raise)

X3-4 or___

15 or___ SA Bent Over Tricep Extensions (knee on bench)

Other Side 

20 or___ Toe Taps on bench

X2-3 or___

8-12 or___ Isolated DB Curl

Other Side

20 or___ Toe Taps on bench

Cool Down and STRETCH :) 

Garr Judd