Strength and Weight Loss for the Gym
EMAIL with questions
SL=Single Leg, SA=Single Arm, DB=Dumbbell, BB=Barbell, Alt=Alternating, KB=Kettlebell, TRX= Suspension Trainer, EB=exercise/yoga ball, **=Option/Substitute
WARM UP/COOL DOWN: 15-20 Min Cardio (jogging, walking, biking, rowing)
:60 Reverse Lunge Squat Lunge **w/ weight
X3-4 or___
12 or ___Weighted Squats
:30 or ___Alt Floor Tap Jump Squats (no weight) **No Jump
X3-4 or ___
15 or ___Bulgarian Split Squats
Other Leg
15 or ___Alt Jump Lunges **Alt Reverse Lunges, No Jump
:30 or ___, X3-4 or ___
Weighted SL Step Ups
Other Leg
Up and Over Bench Hops **Alt Step Ups with No Weight
:30 or ___, X3-4 or ___
KB Deadlift
KB Swings
In n Out Jump Squats
:30 or ___, X3-4 or ___
TRX Row (keep elbows tucked into your sides)
TRX Bicep Curl (keep elbows out in front, only the joint moving)
Mt Climbers **Feet in TRX
:30 or ___, X3-4 or ___
Bent Over BB Row
Upright BB Row
High Knees (keep it quick!)
X3-4 or ___
12 or ___ Wide Grip Lat Pulldown (best done on seated cables)
12 or ___ Wide Grip Rear Delt Row (lean back and pull to chest with elbows out to side)
:30 or ___Toe Taps on Bench Seat
X3-4 or ___
8-10 or ___SA DB Bicep Curl with Opposite Isohold (Opposite Arm Held Flexed at 90 Degrees)
10-12 or ___Bent Over SA DB Row (one knee on bench)
10-15 or ___Burpees **with or w/out Push Ups
Blast through these! Minimal recovery! Go!😊
15 or___Side V Ups,
Other Side
Between Sets of V-Ups, Do Push Ups in reps 20,15,10,5
(EX: 15 V Ups, 20 Push Ups, 15 V Ups, 15 Push Ups, 15 V Ups, 10 Push Ups…)
:45 or ___, X3-4 or ___
DB Squat Curl Press
Lateral Hops
:30 or ___, X3-4 or ___
EB Hammy Curl
EB Pass Up Stars (ball between legs)
Lateral Hops
:45 or ___, X3-4 or ___
Db Feet Weaves (between DBs propped up)
Lateral Hops
:30 or ___, X3-4 or ___
8-10 or ___DB Lateral Raise to Forward Raise
12 or ___ Alt DB Lateral Raise (12 each side)
20 or ___Monkey Claps(pinch elbows to side at 90 degrees and think of a monkey w/cymbals)
:45 or ___Rapid Strong Jumping Jacks
X3-4 or ___
15 or ___ DB Arnold Press
10-12 or ___ Alt Shoulder Press (each side)
10-15 or ___ Burpees **with or w/out Push Up
X3-4 or ___
10 or ___Inch Worm Push Ups **No Push Up
10 or ___Lunge Lunge Squat Jump Complex **Jump or No Jump
X3 or ___
15 or ___TRX Tricep Extensions
15 or ___TRX Chest Press
15 or ___Mt Climbers **Feet in TRX
X4 or ___
:60 or ___Toe Taps on Bench
15 or ___Bent Over DB Tricep Extensions
10 or ___Alt Step Up Hops on Bench (each foot is 1, so 20 total)
:30 or ___Low Tricep Dip Hold **weight on lap
15 or ___Overhead DB Tri Extensions
:30 or ___, X3-4 or ___
Chest Fly
Around the Worlds(on back, palms up, make large arc w/DBs hovering about 6" over chest)
DB Skull Crushers
Up and Over Bench Hops